Homeowner Education Workshop - Legal Hot Topics
Do you have questions or concerns about the Corporate Transparency Act and what it means for HOAs and their board members?
Do you have questions about how to comply with the law or the penalties for not complying with it? We will have a detailed discussion to address this act.
Do you want to know more about the new amendments to CCIOA that have (AGAIN!) changed HOA collection requirements? We’ll talk about that, too.
Our panel of speakers will help you navigate these laws, as well as general legal questions, and leave you, and your communities, better prepared and knowledgable.
Hal Kyles and David Graf
Tony Smith
Thank you to our sponsors:
8th Annual CLACsic Golf Outing at Arrowhead Golf Course
Monday, September 16, 2024
Arrowhead Golf Course in Roxborough
10850 Sundown Trail
11:30AM Welcome; Practice; Lunch on Your Own
12:30PM Registration Opens
1:30PM Sponsor Setup
2:00PM Shotgun Start
7:00/7:30PM Dinner after – nongolfers are welcomed to attend!
Community Association Workshop
These hour long free workshops are offered to all members of CAI. The workshops are designed to accommodate informal discussions related to a specific subject matter that's relevant to community associations.
If you have a topic that you'd like to discuss at one of our upcoming workshops, which are held on a bi-monthly basis, please email the chapter by clicking here.
September Topic : Annual Meeting Best Practices
In this class, the presenters will discuss the three distinct phases of an annual meeting. The Setup-- annual meeting notices, mailing requirements, and location (including online platform) preparation; The Check In-- handling the check-in table, including evaluating and processing proxies; The Showtime-- how to support a courteous yet efficient meeting in a way that projects professionalism and increases owner confidence.
Thank you to our workshop sponsors who value continuing conversation to improve community associations in Colorado:
Pre Conference Happy Hour!!!
Main Level, Fireside Courtyard (Outdoor Event)
Are you registered to attend the 2024 Mountain Conference & Trade Show? If so, we hope you'll join us the night before for happy hour at the hotel courtyard.
Light appetizers and drinks will be served. This is an event for anyone registered to attend the conference on Monday.
Thank you to our happy hour sponsors:
2024 Mountain Conference and Annual Meeting
Theme: Intramural Sports
Play, Connect, Thrive: Building Bonds through Homeowners Association Intramural Sports
Whether you live and work in Mountain Communities, or in the Denver Metro Area, this conference is sure to make a lasting impression. We will have classes lined up to suit managers and homeowner leaders, no matter where you're from. This conference will also host the Chapter Annual Meeting. We hope to see you there.
7:30-8:30am Breakfast
8:30-9:30am Exhibits
9:45-10:45am Breakout Session A (CAMICB Credit Approved)
11:00am-12:00pm Breakout Session B (CAMICB Credit Approved)
12:00-12:45pm Lunch
12:00-1:30pm Exhibits
1:30-2:00pm Legislative Update / Annual Meeting
2:00-3:00pm Breakout session C (CAMICB Credit Approved)
*There will be a happy hour on Sunday, September 29th, at the hotel. If you're interested in joining us, please register (it's free for managers and homeowners but helpful to know how many people are attending).
Hotel Booking Link
Education Specifics:
*3 Credits of Continuing Education Credits*
Session A AND Session B (Two Hour Class)
Class Title:A New Approach to HOA Construction Projects
Capital and construction projects in community associations can be difficult for all involved. By building a cohesive project team before beginning design, projects operate more smoothly, issues are found sooner, and cost overruns are limited. Design, legal, and trades can all talk to each other before a project goes out to bid to help each other produce a more successful project.
Stanley Stoll, M.Eng., P.E., DFE, CFEI, CVFI
David Firmin
Jesus Burciaga
Breakout Session C
Class Title: Board Member Gone Rogue & Personal Liability
Being a board member is a voluntary position, with a lot of responsibilities. Sometimes a member, for whatever reason, can go against the grain of the full board. This class lays out some ways a board member might be going rogue and how to address the situation. If not taken care of the situation could have bigger consequences. As well as looking at the personal liability of being a board member. There are limitations and insurance for protection. The class stresses the importance of being transparent as a board member. The board needs to work together for the betterment of the community. By reviewing some sticky situations in the class, learners will better know what to look out for and how to resolve them. Ultimately examining best practices of being a board member all around.
David Graf
Miles Buckingham
Thank you to our presenting sponsors:
2024 Mountain Conference and Annual Meeting - EXHIBITOR
***SOLD OUT***
This conference hosts approximately 200 attendees - attendees are mostly managers who serve mountain communities along with management company executives from all over the State and homeowner leader board members.
5:30am Exhibitor Set Up (if not done so Saturday afternoon)
9:45-10:45am Breakout Session A
11:00am-12:00pm Breakout Session B
11:30am-12:00pm Exhibitor Lunch
12:00-12:45pm Attendee Lunch
2:00-3:00pm Breakout session C
2:00-5:00pm Exhibit Tear Down (no earlier, no exceptions)
*There will be a happy hour on Sunday, September 29th, at the hotel. If you're interested in joining us, please register (it's free but helpful to know how many people are attending).
***If you are attending the conference as a business partner without exhibit space, you are not permitted to host any networking events prior to or after the conference. If you'd like to do so, please register as an exhibitor.***
More details will be given via email to those that have registered to exhibit at the conference. The spaces are all table exhibits, meaning there is no pipe and drape 10x10 sections. Exhibit locations will be determined and sent via email to those registered to exhibit. You may add additional staff at a later date as will be specified in follow-up emails as we get closer to the event.
CAI-RMC 7th Annual Clay Shoot
Theme: Halloween!!!
CAI-RMC presents the 7th Annual Clay Shoot, a fun filled afternoon of shooting clays, team building and networking. Clay shooting is an activity for all ages and activity levels, making it the perfect event to bring fellow co-workers and clients.
9:00am - 9:45am Shooters Arrive / Register
9:00am New Shooter Orientation *not mandatory
10:00am Safety Brief *mandatory
10:30am Shooting Starts
1:30pm - 3:30pm Food Truck / Lunch / Tail Gate
Team Information:
Colorado Clays: (303) 659-7117
This event would not be possible without the support of our Presenting Sponsors:
Management Company Forum
Designed exclusively for Management Company Executives. Forums are designed for membership types in order to better understand membership needs and to give timely updates.
Please only register if you are an owner or officer of a Management Company.
If you have questions or topics that you'd like to have addressed at the lunch, please email chapter office by clicking here.
Thank you to our sponsors who support important conversations between management company owners and CAI.
Peak 3 - Insurance
To reach the peak of your career, you'll need to know the basics. CAI-RMC offers this class for free. This class offers all the insurance basics you'll need to know for your entry into community management.
To Be Announced
This program is designed to cover all things insurance that a manager or homeowner needs to know. Topics include: Requirements of governing documents and State statutes; types of policies an association needs; coverages, limitations, and exclusions; cyber liability; D&O.
Approved for 3 (three) continuing education credits through CAMICB.
In order to receive credits, you must have your video on for the duration of the program. If you do not have video, or can't be on video, no credit will be given.
Thank you to our Peak Series Education Sponsors:
2024 CAI Annual Awards & Celebration
Join us as we celebrate another year done well with your CAI-Rocky Mountain Chapter friends and colleagues !
This event is our opportunity to showcase outstanding communities, managers, and support staff. Winners will be chosen and awarded for 2024 achievements.
The 2025 Board of Directors will also be installed. Come and support your Chapter leaders and say thank you to those whose terms have expired. We wouldn't be able to do what we do without our fearless leaders!
2024 Guest Entertainer: Scotty Wiese
Scotty's Clients include: Google, Adobe, BMW, Justin Bieber, & Luke Bryan
As Seen Headlining Red Rocks Amphitheatre
Thank you to our magician sponsors:
Altitude Community Law
VF Law
Wintrust Community Advantage
CONTACT US(303) 585-0367
Click here for email
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