Looking to get a jump start on 2025 and register for events before they sell out?
ALL events will be open for registration on January 7, 2025 at 10am. Register for conferences, fun events and more before they sell out (which they will).
Said another way: if you want to register for the Spring Conference or Mountain Conference or Golf Tournament, you're going to have to wait until January 7th at 10am. It's a first-come, first-serve process. We can't register you now - you have to wait until this date and time.
You may register for all events you'd like to participate in and then send one check to the chapter - this may make it easier on you to process rather than a number of different transactions.
Here's information about 2025 sponsorships and advertising (different than registering to attend events).
2025 Sponsorship & Advertising Guide
Sponsorship Order Form
Advertising Order Form
If you're a business partner and you'd like to verify membership, please use our professional services directory.