Annual Awards
Association Awards
Recognizes the outstanding team effort of an association board of directors and homeowners whose members clearly understand their roles and fiduciary responsibilities putting the association’s interest ahead of and above all personal agendas. A board comprised of effective volunteer leaders who are fair, responsible and reasonable in their decisions.
Outstanding "Community Building" by an Association
Recognizes an association that does an outstanding job at demonstrating community resourcefulness, has a strong sense of commitment to enhancing the neighborhood, and recognizes and uses the strengths of its individuals within the association.
Chapter Awards
This award recognizes a Rocky Mountain Chapter Committee whose contributions have been outstanding and have benefitted the Chapter as a whole during the year. The Committee will have demonstrated extraordinary teamwork while maintaining the ability to accomplish tasks according to the mission / charter.
Committees to consider include:
Awarded to the author of the most impactful article published between August of the previous year and August of the current year in the Common Interests magazine. Examples of impact include the author's ability to prompt further thought or future discussion; to engage with the reader; to educate readers with a tone that is professional yet easy to understand. Common Interest Magazine
Recognizes outstanding program content or a phenomenal speaker at a chapter educational event (in-person or virtual). This program or speaker will have had an impact on chapter members, for the betterment of community associations.
Excellence in Innovation Award
Awarded to a person, committee, or company that continues to find unique and ethical ways to connect with industry partners, clients and other CAI members.
Community Manager Awards
Community Manager Excellence in Service Award
Recognition is given to a manager who displays integrity, reliability, commitment to the industry, loyalty to clients and the ability to interact well with board members, other managers, service providers and other industry professionals. Promotion of ethical conduct and competence are included as part of the qualifications for this award.
Outstanding Support Staff Member of the Year
Presented to a management company support staff employee who serves in a secretarial or clerical role. This person goes above-and-beyond standard responsibilities to deliver quality service to community associations and to the company that they work for.
Presented to a manager who has entered the community management profession within the last two years and has demonstrated a high level of commitment to the community association world through outstanding service to one or more of the communities they manage.
2024 Award Winners
Outstanding Support Staff Member of the Year
Natalie Antonucci
Committee of the Year
Marketing & Membership
Rising Star Manager Award
Kendall Henderson
Excellence in Education
David Graf
Association of the Year
Palomino Park Owners Association (Less than 100 units)
The Ridge at Superior (More than 100 units)
Community Manager Excellence in Service
Kiki Hennigan
Outstanding Community Building by an Association
The Ambassador East Condominium Association