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Community Association Workshop - Annual Meeting Best Practices (Virtual)

  • 09/17/2024
  • 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
  • Virtual Workshop via Zoom


Registration is closed

Community Association Workshop

These hour long free workshops are offered to all members of CAI.  The workshops are designed to accommodate informal discussions related to a specific subject matter that's relevant to community associations.

If you have a topic that you'd like to discuss at one of our upcoming workshops, which are held on a bi-monthly basis, please email the chapter by clicking here.

September Topic : Annual Meeting Best Practices

In this class, the presenters will discuss the three distinct phases of an annual meeting. The Setup-- annual meeting notices, mailing requirements, and location (including online platform) preparation; The Check In-- handling the check-in table, including evaluating and processing proxies; The Showtime-- how to support a courteous yet efficient meeting in a way that projects professionalism and increases owner confidence.

Thank you to our workshop sponsors who value continuing conversation to improve community associations in Colorado:


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