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Virtual Class - After the Claim: Managing Settlement Fund and the Repair Process

  • 04/16/2020
  • 10:15 AM - 11:15 AM
  • Virtual Meeting: ZOOM Platform


  • Community managers are the professional backbone of the communities they serve, providing the skills and expertise that are essential to the successful management of associations. Let CAI help you shape the industry. Annual membership dues are $149* (And, don't forget, you save on registration fees).

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After the Claim: Managing Settlement Fund and the Repair Process - Virtual Class

Class Description:

A common misconception in the community association industry is that obtaining funds at the end of an insurance claim or a construction defect lawsuit is the conclusion of the process. The reality is that the receipt of funds marks a starting line for another critical process in the community: the repair process.

Considering how much time and effort management and boards invest in the active claim, it is only natural to see acquisition of the funds as the goal. However, the repair of the community’s physical assets is the true objective.

This program helps participants see the true finish line through investment of funds, management of expectations, vetting of contractors, community goal setting, and some administrative notes about documentation, taxes and disclosures.


Class Registration:

Business Partner CAI Member: $20

Homeowner / Board Member $FREE

Manager CAI Member: $10

Manager Non Member: $20



Speakers:  Shane Fleener & Gene West

Speaker Bio: Shane Fleener

Named 2017 and 2018 Barrister's Best Plaintiff Construction Defect Attorney by Law Week Colorado, Shane began practicing construction defect litigation in 2006 as Mike Hearn’s associate. Since that time, Shane has successfully represented hundreds of homeowners and associations across Colorado in arbitration proceedings and at the district and appellate court levels.

Shane has presented numerous Continuing Legal Education (CLE) courses, DORA CAM credit classes, and CAMICB courses regarding construction defect litigation with a focus on the interpretation and impact of Colorado’s notice of claim process and statute of limitations.  He has also testified before the Colorado Supreme Court regarding pilot project rules impacting the industry.

Shane’s legal practice has covered other areas of law including product liability defense, natural resources and real estate. This diverse legal background gives him a unique understanding of the complex issues often involved in construction defect litigation.

Shane attended Northwestern University in Evanston, IL, where he obtained his B.S. in Speech with honors in 1999. After working in the marketing department for Vail Resorts, Shane obtained his J.D. with honors from Loyola University of Chicago School of Law in 2004.

Fun Fact: Shane can solve a Rubik’s cube in less than one minute and twenty seconds.

Speaker Bio: Gene West

Gene has more than 30 years of experience helping clients meet their financial goals. After graduating with a Bachelor of Arts degree in business and accounting from Western State University, he entered the business world as a Certified Public Accountant. Moving from CPA to financial advisor in 1986 was a natural transition for Gene. His solid fiscal experience and insight allow him to work with clients on their financial objectives and tailor a plan that works for each individual need. Gene was awarded the 2009 Educator of the Year award and continues to volunteer his time to teach financial classes to association managers throughout the country.


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