Board Leadership Development Workshop - Introduction
This class serves to build the foundation to better understand the online program that CAI National offers. The purpose of the class is to review fundamentals that board members need to know before they take the online program. The online program goes more in depth. Managers and homeowner leaders are encouraged to attend in order to gain insight, and a foundation, before recommending or taking the online program.
You may register for the online workshop course, and materials, by going to the following link: https://www.caionline.org/LearningCenter/Education-for-Homeowners/Pages/default.aspx.
If you choose to pay for the online portion of the program, you will be able to complete the online program on your own time and at your own pace. We help get you going by offering this 2 hour live, classroom introduction program. Please keep in mind that taking the online course is at your discretion and not mandatory to attend this class.
The toolbox is only given to those that register for the online course. You do not need it for this introduction program.
Whether you live in a condominium, homeowners association (HOA) or other type of community, the Board Leadership Development Workshop highlights what every board member needs to know to serve effectively. The workshop consists of five modules:
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