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Pandemic Parliamentary Puzzlement : Panic or Participation?

  • 10/01/2020
  • 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
  • Zoom Virtual Meeting


  • If you're not a member of CAI, use this registration. And then ask yourself, why aren't I a member of this great organization???
  • If you're not a member of CAI, use this registration. And then ask yourself, why aren't I a member of this great organization???

Registration is closed

Pandemic Parliamentary Puzzlement : Panic or Participation?

Virtual Meeting Primer - Surviving the Annual Meeting

Join dynamic duo David Graf and Melissa Garcia for a 1.5 hour long course on the do’s and don’ts of taking your meetings and board business to the Internet. You won’t want to miss this class as they cover everything from questions about muting homeowners to casting secret ballots. Oh, and did we mention the class is free for CAI Members and only $10 for non-members?!  

Pants not required but strongly advised. 

Don’t fear virtual voting or online annual meetings.  You're encouraged to have fun with this new normal - and take advantage of all that meeting virtually has to offer.  We'll show you how!


A message from our instructors:

I float like a butterfly sting like a bee

If you wanna be legal you gotta follow me

When you’re speaking to a manager just scream VMEETING!

For that is an acronym for all of this bleating

V is for virtual - everything’s online
M is for meeting - can I get a glass o’wine?
E is for electronic - conference call too?
E is for everyone’s muted! can I hear a “Woo Hoo”!
T is for taking minutes in the chat box
I is for I don’t care if I’m wearing matching socks
N is for Now we get to share all our screens
G is for Graf & Garcia will show you what all this means!

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