2019 Mountain Conference and Annual Meeting
Whether you live and work in Mountain Communities or in the Denver Metro Area, this conference is sure to make a lasting impression. We have classes lined up to suit managers and homeowner leaders, no matter where you're from. This conference will also host the Chapter Annual Meeting. We hope to see you there.
7:45-8:30am Legislative Update
8:30-9:30am Registration & Breakfast
9:30-10:30am Breakout Session A (CAMICB Credit Approved)
10:30-11:00am Exhibits
11:00am-12:00pm Breakout Session B (CAMICB Credit Approved)
12:00-1:00pm Lunch / Annual Meeting
1:00-2:00pm Exhibits / Prizes / Happy Hour
2:00-3:00pm Breakout session C (CAMICB Credit Approved)
Education Specifics:
Class Title:
2019 Legislative and Case Law Update
Class Time: 7:45am - 8:30am
Class Room: Sun Down
Class Description:
Program will provide legislative and case law updates attesting HOAs, managers and board members.
Class Title:
Art of Negotiation
Class Time: 9:30-10:30am
Class Room: Mountain View
Class Description:
Negotiation with an angry homeowner is like trying to talk to a lion once he charges. Come learn some fundamental techniques on how to negotiate with angry homeowners, vendors, and even your significant other!
Overcome barriers, listening skills, handling bullies, and deadly assumptions. Learn why arguing never works and what to avoid in your own negotiations.
Be prepared for that next owners meeting, contract negotiation, or discussion on what to do this weekend. Don’t miss this seminar!
Class Title:
Wild Fire Mitigation for Property Managers
Class Time: 9:30-10:30am
Class Room: Sun Down
Class Description:
This program will provide an overview of the woodland fire urban interface and describe the role that property managers play in reducing risk in their community.
Class Title:
Cybercrimes Awareness Training
Class Time: 11:00am-12:00pm
Class Room: Sun Down
Class Description:
This program will bring awareness of cybercrime that effect business, communities, and families. Examples of / what to look for : phising, malware, spoofing and social engineering. Review how to identify cybercrime.
Class Title:
Oh No…the Renter is Smoking a Doobie While Walking His Emotional Support Dog Again (aka a class on rentals, marijuana, dogs and other trending issues)
Class Time: 11:00am-12:00pm
Class Room: Mountain View
Class Description:
Is an “assistance animal” the same thing as an “emotional support animal”? Can an association prevent someone from growing and/or using marijuana in his or her Unit? What’s the best way for an association to address short term rental and other leasing concerns? We will answer all these and other trending questions in this informative class on MJ, STRs, and ESAs!
Class Title:
Board Leadership Development Workshop; Introduction to Online Course
Class Time: 11:00am-12:00pm
Class Room: Sun Up
Class Description:
This class serves to build the foundation to better understand the online program that CAI National offers. The purpose of the class is to review fundamentals that board members need to know before they take the online program. The online program goes more in depth. Managers and homeowner leaders are encouraged to attend in order to gain insight, and a foundation, before recommending or taking the online program.
Class Title:
Taking Care of Business – Best Practices for Hiring & Managing Onsite Support Staff
Class Time: 2:00-3:00pm
Class Room: Sun Down
Class Description:
Employment law has some very interesting ties to community association managers and associations. In mountain communities, and even in metropolitan areas, associations and management companies face interesting issues in how to staff on-site employees, oversee these employee’s duties, and manage the relationship between a board of directors and these employees. These practices create certain risk. What you don’t know can hurt you.
In this highly interactive program, presenter Wes Wollenweber will use real life common scenarios to examine best practices for managers and associations related to legal issues surrounding the sharing of staff employees, as well as best practices in hiring and supervising practices. This program will identify the legal exposure associations and management companies alike face from these common practices and provide guidance on how to better handle oversight of onsite staff.
Class Title:
Impacts of New Development on Existing Associations
Class Time: 2:00-3:00pm
Class Room: Mountain View
Class Description:
This course will discuss the impact of new development on existing associations. The topics covered will include site grading, drainage, solar impact, and site access challenges.
Class Title:
Water Damage and Common Interest Communities aka the Trickle Down Theory
Class Time: 2:00-3:00pm
Class Room: Sun Up
Class Description:
A key area for planning and prevention in Common Interest Communities is the interplay between maintenance and insurance obligations and navigation of a damage event. It is critical for effective community governance to ascertain how the governing documents allocate maintenance, repair and insurance obligations in order to establish a step by step process to address damage events tailored to meet the requirements of the community governing documents. This process can identify areas within the governing documents that warrant revision or amendment to align the required processes with how the community desires to operate and to reduce liability exposure. The “Trickle Down Theory” will walk you through a hypothetical water damage event, providing a step by step process on how to prepare for and address damage events by identifying and applying the relevant requirements of existing governing documents along with guidance on when it may be appropriate to amend the governing documents to align with desired community practices.
*If you would like to stay at the hotel, special rates are being offered. Discounted rates are $149 for a standard room per night. Parking is discounted for the conference: valet for only $10 per day (reduced from $40) or park at nearby Lionshead parking structure for free during the day ($25 overnight). Reserve your room now by clicking here. Rates are guaranteed until August 29th.
Enjoy Vail Valley in the Fall!
Thank you to our presenting sponsors: