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Community Manager Member Forum

  • 06/04/2019
  • 11:15 AM - 12:45 PM
  • Hacienda Colorado, 4100 East Mexico Ave., Denver CO 80222


  • This event is only open to community managers who are members of CAI.

Registration is closed

Community Manager Member Forum

Community managers are the professional backbone of the communities they serve, providing the skills and expertise that are essential to the successful management of community associations.  As a chapter, we want to hear from our manager members!  We want to know how things are going and how CAI-RMC can help you to further succeed.

This event is held for manager members of CAI Rocky Mountain Chapter.  The goal of the event is to collaborate as a team with other industry professionals, to discuss what's working and what could be improved in terms of chapter initiatives.

Please be prepared to come with suggestions and helpful commentary.  This is your opportunity to voice your opinion.  Lunch is provided for free with the support of our sponsors:


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