(Business partners are only allowed to participate by purchasing a booth - at this time, all spaces have been sold).
Classes: See Information Below
10:30am - Registration
11:00am- 12:00pm - Class 1 (1 CEU)
12:00pm-12:15pm- Annual meeting
12:15pm-2:00pm - Trade Show
2:00pm-3:00pm - Class 2 (1 CEU)
Construction Defect Update
Presenter: Chris Rhody
House Bill 17-1279 will be discussed and procedures will be clarified and explained in detail.
Reasonable Accommodations
Presenters: David Graf
Fair housing laws, as they relate to disabilities, are the most common problems for community Association managers and boards. David will provide to the participants a current definition of disability, as well as a general understanding of the requirement to make reasonable accommodations and reasonable modifications, the difference between them, and how to consider requests.
Beyond the protected class of disability, there will be discussion about fair housing laws generally, a brief discussion of all of the protected classes, and what managers and boards need to worry about with regard to these laws. Finally, David will provide an overview of the 2016 HUD rule updates and relevant cases on hostile environment claims as they relate to Association operations. Attendees will learn how to identify problem scenarios in hostile environment claims, what their clients may or may not be able to do with them, and how to create a process that may lead to resolution of the problems.
Technology & Modernization
Presenters: Jon Boshart, Lauren Deriaz, Nickie Greco
Mr. Boshart will discuss the history of drones and the various applications of use. Ms. Deriaz will give an introduction of the Energize Denver initiative and will discuss energy efficiency in communities. Ms. Deriaz will also introduce Benchmarking and it’s relationship to energy consumption.
Whose Job is it Anyway?
Presenters: Jeffrey Kerrane and Alex Nelson
“Whose Job is it Anyway?” will look at various situations in which a community association might find itself and will discuss the roles of the people involved, including the declarant, owners, board members, officers, the manager and even an apprentice. The audience will be electronically polled as to their opinion on each scenario, followed by an interactive discussion where audience members will be encouraged to share their experiences. In many cases, there are no right or wrong answers. In other cases, there will be discussion of recent legislation and case law. Throughout the class, there will be discussion of public opinions related to community associations.
This program is sponsored by:

Onsite self-parking is available for the duration of the day for $14.00 (discounted from $29.00). As a second option, the Tremont Garage (located two blocks away) has an early bird rate of $9.00 and a daily rate of $12.00. For more information regarding the Tremont Garage, click TREMONT GARAGE (15TH AND TREMONT).