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M100 - The Essentials of Community Association Management

  • 02/21/2018
  • 02/24/2018
  • Sheraton Denver Tech Center Hotel, 7007 South Clinton Street, Greenwood Village, CO 80112


Register for live course by clicking HERE.

​​​​​​The Colorado Edition of the M-100 has been approved by the Colorado Division of Real Estate as a 24-hour qualifying course. Learn more about manager licensing in Colorado.

Course Length

3.5 days | Days 1-3: 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. | Day 4: 8:00 a.m. - noon 
A multiple choice examination is given at the end of the class.
Online Format: Video of state specific law plus regular M-100 content. Students have 10 months—from purchase date—to complete the course and take the final exam to receive credit.

Course Materials 

In addition to the participant guide and flash drive with bonus readings and materials, students will receive an extra Colorado-specific handout packet.


CAI member: $459 | Nonmember: $559 Join Now!

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