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Community Association Workshop

  • 04/13/2021
  • 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
  • Virtual Workshop via Zoom


Registration is closed

Community Association Workshop

These hour long free workshops are offered to all members of CAI.  The workshops are designed to accommodate informal discussions related to a specific subject matter that's relevant to community associations.

If you have a topic that you'd like to discuss at one of our upcoming workshops, which are held on a bi-monthly basis, please email the chapter by clicking here.

April Topic:  

Kate Watkins will discuss key takeaways the most recent economic forecast presented to the state legislature, including trends and expectations for Colorado's labor market, business activity, and inflation.  This presentation will also provide context on the size and economic impacts of multiple rounds of unprecedented federal stimulus, and the state of Colorado's ongoing economic recovery from the pandemic-induced recession of 2020. 

Kate Watkins is the Chief Economist for the Colorado state legislature’s nonpartisan research agency, Legislative Council Staff.  Kate leads a team of economists who provide economic, revenue, and caseload forecasts as well as fiscal policy and equity impact analyses.  These analyses inform the state budget and legislative decision making in Colorado. 

In the past, Kate served as a regional economist at the Denver Branch of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, and as a consultant with Booz Allen Hamilton, where she provided economic and business analysis for various federal government agencies.  Kate holds a PhD and Masters of Arts from Cornell University, where she specialized in economic and fiscal sociology. Kate also holds a Master of Arts in Global Finance, Trade, and Economic Integration from the University of Denver, Korbel School of International Studies. 

Thank you to our workshop sponsors who value continuing conversation to improve community associations in Colorado.



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