2021 Mountain Conference and Trade Show
Exhibits Are Sold Out
Whether you live and work in Mountain Communities or in the Denver Metro Area, this conference is sure to make a lasting impression! Don't miss out on registering to exhibit at this event.
7:30-8:30am Grab n' Go Breakfast
8:30-9:30am Exhibits
9:45-10:45am Breakout Session A (CAMICB Credit Approved)
11:00am-12:00pm Breakout Session B (CAMICB Credit Approved)
12:00-12:45pm Grab n' Go Lunch
12:00-1:30pm Exhibits
12:45-1:00pm Annual Meeting (In Person & Virtual)
1:30-3:00pm Breakout session C (CAMICB Credit Approved)
Hotel discount / reservations:
The Marriott is offering a discounted rate for Sunday night (September 26) at $159. Please click here to make a reservation.