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2021 Mountain Conference and Trade Show - Exhibitor Registration

  • 09/27/2021
  • 7:30 AM - 3:00 PM
  • Vail Marriott Mountain Resort, 715 W Lionshead Circle, Vail CO 81657


  • If you are a business partner, you must exhibit in order to participate. This is for members of CAI. Register additional staff ($65 each) by using the guest registration option and entering their name. One staff member (main contact) comes with the standard rate.

2021 Mountain Conference and Trade Show

Exhibits Are Sold Out

Whether you live and work in Mountain Communities or in the Denver Metro Area, this conference is sure to make a lasting impression!  Don't miss out on registering to exhibit at this event.


7:30-8:30am  Grab n' Go Breakfast

8:30-9:30am Exhibits

9:45-10:45am Breakout Session A (CAMICB Credit Approved)

11:00am-12:00pm Breakout Session B (CAMICB Credit Approved)

12:00-12:45pm Grab n' Go Lunch

12:00-1:30pm Exhibits

12:45-1:00pm Annual Meeting (In Person & Virtual)

1:30-3:00pm Breakout session C (CAMICB Credit Approved)


Hotel discount / reservations:

The Marriott is offering a discounted rate for Sunday night (September 26) at $159.  Please click here to make a reservation.

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