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CAI-RMC 3rd Annual Top Golf Tournament

  • 04/27/2023
  • 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM
  • Top Golf Thornton, 16011 Grant St, Thornton, CO 80023


  • This registration is for anyone looking to attend but not play. We will have roof top space available to hang out on the 3rd Floor. Includes 1 drink ticket and food.
  • Six people per team. Must be an active member of CAI-RMC to purchase a team. Player names are not needed at this time but will be requested as we get closer to event.

Registration is closed

Join us for the CAI-RMC 3rd Annual Top Golf Tournament

2023 Theme: 50 Shades of GREEN!!!

Whether you’re an aspiring golf pro or picking up a club for the first time, Topgolf is everyone’s game. It’s fun. It’s competitive.

Purchase one team of six. No individual registrations. One team per company.

Food will be provided as well as one drink ticket.

We look forward to seeing you!


2:00 PM: Registration & Warm Up

2:30 PM: Buffet served.

2:30 PM: Tournament begins.

4:30 PM: Tournament concludes, open play.

4:45 PM: Awards

5:00 PM: Event concludes.

TOURNAMENT FORMAT: Teams of six, best ball format, shotgun start, two rounds, winners TBD.

This event would not be possible without our Presenting Sponsors:



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