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CAI-RMC 24th Annual Golf Tournament

  • 07/31/2020
  • 7:00 AM - 2:00 PM
  • The Lone Tree Golf Club, 9808 Sunningdale Blvd, Lone Tree, CO 80124


  • You must be a member of CAI-RMC to register for a foursome. Limit one foursome per Company due to popularity of event.

CAI-RMC 24th Annual Golf Tournament - SOLD OUT!!!

The Annual CAI-RMC Golf Tournament brings together golfers of all skill levels for a full day of camaraderie and fun with fellow chapter members.  Paid registration includes 18 holes of golf, cart, range balls, wrapped breakfast, boxed to-go lunches, and entry to win door prizes!

There are hole contests scattered throughout, including a chance to win $10,000 if you make a Hole-In-One.

Each tee box is sponsored by a different business partner who will be on-site to provide fun and games throughout your round!

7:45am  Players in Carts

8:00am  Start

This event would not be possible without the support of our sponsors:



South Suburban has been working diligently to monitor the COVID-19 pandemic and align the operations of its golf courses to mirror the recommendations of public health orders that have been issued. First and foremost, we are dedicated to protecting the health and safety of both the public and our staff. In order to reopen, we will be requiring all of our patrons to adhere to and respect the rules and safeguards that have been put in place to protect everyone. 

The state guidelines allows golf courses to operate and provide a healthy outdoor activity that adheres to local and state requirements. Although the state order requires us all to stay at home, it does allow for safe outdoor activities if critical to your health and safety, or that of your family or household members. 

We are implementing safeguards that will enable us to provide a low-risk outdoor experience, while responsibly social distancing at the same time. 

Players are asked not to come to the course if they have symptoms of COVID-19, or have been in contact with anyone who is ill or may have symptoms of the virus, especially if someone has tested positive. Players must practice good social distancing protocols and hygiene and stay at least 6 feet apart. It is imperative to be diligent in following our protocols of not touching common surfaces, shaking hands, or gathering in groups at any time, in any areas. Players must comply with proper distancing and sanitizer use for your own health, the safety of fellow customers, and staff.  ALL PLAYERS ARE REQUIRED TO WEAR A MASK COVERING YOUR NOSE AND MOUTH WHILE UTILIZING THE PRO SHOP, GRILL AND RESTROOMS. 

These requirements include safeguards that should enable our courses to stay open.  It is the responsibility of everyone to do their part and do the right thing. We will continue to monitor local and state guidelines to stay current with the appropriate health agencies and to comply with any changing rules. 

South Suburban Rules and Regulations:

  • South Suburban is taking the following precautions to ensure the safety of our guests and staff: 
  • All individuals are required to wear a mask prior to entering the pro shop, grill or restrooms. Masks are available for purchase in the pro shop.
  • Private carts or other motorized vehicles will be prohibited.
  • Social Distancing orders of staying 6 feet apart must be adhered to in the parking lot, around the clubhouse, and on the golf course. Avoid handshakes.
  • Driving ranges and practice areas are open.    
  • Frequent cleaning/sanitizing of equipment and common areas around the clubhouse, including restrooms, doors and handrails will be completed.
  • Clubhouse and on-course restrooms will be open and are being disinfected and treated with extreme precaution in regards to cleanliness and will be open. There will be no access to the men’s locker room at Lone Tree Golf Course.
  • Multiple touch points have been eliminated including bunker rakes, ball washers, water coolers and water buckets.  Please plan accordingly and bring your own water bottles. 
  • Shallow cups will be set only one inch below putting surface for easy removal of your ball without touching flagstick or side of the hole.  Please do not remove flagstick when putting.
  • Pull carts will be available to rent. Rental clubs will not be available. Personal pull carts will be allowed.
  • Bag storage room at Lone Tree Golf Course will be closed.
  • Staff levels are reduced and appropriate to facility activity (i.e., fewer staff when possible to limit possible exposure).   Please be patient and courteous with the staff.
  • Course Rangers will be monitoring golfers on the course to ensure social distancing and assisting with any player needs. 
  • Players are asked not to search for lost golf balls on or near neighboring property.


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