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  • 10/01/2023 2:29 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    By Karen McClain, CMCA, AMS, PCAM, Associa Colorado

    Receiving credentials is especially important if you have chosen community management as your career. Designation sets you apart from others for several reasons: (1) It shows your dedication to the industry; (2) It demonstrates to others that you’re willing to go the extra mile to better yourself professionally; (3) It lets others know that they can come to you for your expertise when needed; and (4) It allows you to become the professional you want to be and opens many new opportunities for you.

    This credentialing process can be difficult to manage while working full-time and keeping up with personal obligations. Obtaining the PCAM designation has always been a goal of mine, one that I set my sights on within my first six months of being in the industry.  Although it was 10 years before I made the decision to go for it, I knew that to get where I wanted to go career-wise, I would need this designation.

    Setting the goal was one thing but completing that goal was going to be a challenge.  The PCAM Case Study - how can two words give such anxiety?  As 2020 began, I decided December would be my best option.  As the year progressed, more and more things began to be postponed or outright canceled.  I watched as CAI National canceled each case study location.  I became concerned that I would not be able to meet my self-imposed goal.  

    CAI announced this new format of a “Virtual PCAM Case Study”.  Participants were required to watch a prerequisite community video and login to two days of Zoom seminars. At first, I was very hesitant to enroll, but I felt there was no other option if I wanted to remain on track.  There were so many questions I had.  How will we do an adequate site visit? What if I miss something?  Will I be able to interact and participate?  What if my internet crashed?  Then the unthinkable happened -  my laptop crashed the week of the case study and I scrambled to purchase a new computer.

    On day one, everyone was eager and ready to go.  Manager after manager logged into the meeting, chatting about where they were from and how long they’ve been in the industry.  It was great to see so many of us united on this unique journey.  We were officially participating in the first virtual PCAM case study. Not only will it be an amazing accomplishment to attain this designation, but to do it virtually!  The first stop was an introduction from the instructors, and then we were welcomed by the manager. They gave us an overview of what to expect, and we moved on with meeting the attorney, the insurance agent, the CPA, and many other professionals related to the community.

    One thing that I did notice was that many of the participants were at home, but some appeared to be in their office.  How amazing - you can just shut your door and take three hours out of your day to participate in the most important event of your career.  As the sessions wrapped up over two days, they opened it up to discussion from the participants. One of the major questions from all the candidates was whether we were missing out on the in-person opportunity to view the property.  All the instructors and the staff at CAI National reassured the participants that we are not missing out on any instruction time.  One of the major bonuses to attending virtually was that all of the recordings were available for us for the 30-day duration until the paper was due.

    As I reflect on the changes to technology over the recent years and changes that CAI National made in its approach on continuing education, I wouldn’t have done it any other way.  Part of the reason I waited was the adjustments I would’ve had to make to my schedule in order to fly to a location outside of my city; the time needed would have been unattainable.  Attending virtually was both logistically and financially a more productive use of time.  As we look to the future, and we find new ways to learn, I would recommend that you strongly consider the virtual options.

  • 10/01/2023 2:27 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    By Matt DeWolf, FRONTSTEPS

    In the community management industry, we're entering an era where homeowners and board members, the core stakeholders of every community, are becoming the new focal point. While the industry has long prioritized back-office efficiency, a new emphasis on putting technology directly into the hands of homeowners and board members is emerging. By enabling the homeowner and board member, management companies benefit from fewer questions and tickets generated. This streamlines operations and costs for the management company while improving homeowner satisfaction through instant responses and complete transparency. 

    There's a simultaneous recognition of the rising significance of community managers who play a vital role in enhancing community happiness and productivity, thereby fueling industry engagement and prosperity. In this article, we'll explore these transformative trends, bridging the gap between technology and the end-users who define the essence of community living, and spotlighting the community manager as the linchpin of this exciting evolution in association management software. Welcome to a future where innovation empowers stronger, more vibrant communities.

    1. Mobile Accessibility and User-Friendly Interfaces

    Homeowner engagement is paramount, and to achieve it, we must meet homeowners where they want to be – on their mobile devices. They crave intuitive, easy-to-use mobile experiences that seamlessly integrate with their daily lives. Simultaneously, community managers are seeking tools that provide speed, convenience, and safety, enabling them to excel in their roles and tackle more significant responsibilities.

    However, it's not merely about making the experience mobile; it's about proactively engaging homeowners when action is required. Homeowners will not go searching for information; they need immediate alerts on their mobile devices, informing them of new events, invoices, or tasks that require their attention.Push notifications are a crucial component of a mobile app that meets market expectations.

    In this era, community engagement and transparency are the lifeblood of our industry. Their absence can lead to ongoing grievances about HOA overreach. However, we have the power to evolve and return to the original vision upon which the HOA industry was built – thriving communities marked by happiness, health, and prosperity.

    2. Enhanced Data Security and Privacy

    As community management continues its digital transformation, the need for uncompromising data security and privacy takes center stage. In an environment where cyber threats continually grow in sophistication, community manager software must advance to safeguard sensitive information effectively. In the future, we can expect to see advanced encryption techniques, robust authentication protocols, and multi-factor authentication becoming standard features in software.

    An example of improved security requirements can be seen with recent transitions away from NACHA files. These files, the long-time industry standard in community management, also represent a potential vulnerability in the realm of cybersecurity. Transitioning to modern and secure payment solutions instead helps prevent these security risks from occurring.

    By taking proactive steps, as in this case with NACHA files, our industry can ensure the trust and confidence of homeowners and clients alike. In doing so, we are on the path to achieving the vision of a community management landscape where data security is synonymous with peace of mind.

    3. Cloud-Based Solutions for Scalability

    Scalability is a vital consideration for community managers as they grow their portfolios. Cloud-based software solutions offer the flexibility and scalability needed to accommodate an expanding property management business. With cloud-based software, management companies can easily add new properties, users, and features without the need for significant infrastructure investments.

    Furthermore, cloud-based solutions provide real-time data access from anywhere, facilitating collaboration among community managers, maintenance teams, and tenants. This accessibility is crucial for agile decision-making and efficient community management.

    Looking Ahead

    In conclusion, the future of management company software brims with potential. A commitment to innovation in technology will empower community managers to inspire homeowner associations to evolve and thrive. We envision that technology will act as the catalyst for HOAs to achieve their original and highest aspiration - fostering transparent, safe, and collaborative communities that enrich the lives of all.

    About the Author:

    Matt DeWolf is the CEO of FRONTSTEPS, a leading provider of community management software solutions. With a background in technology and a passion for improving the community management industry, Matt is dedicated to helping management companies leverage innovative software to enhance their operations and deliver exceptional service to their communities.

  • 10/01/2023 2:24 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    By Jeff Kerrane, Esq., Kerrane Storz P.C.

    Following the tragic collapse of the Champlain Towers South in Surfside, Florida, Fannie Mae took a significant step to modernize lending requirements. These new requirements place a greater emphasis on the property condition and the strength of the community’s reserves. In response to growing concerns about aging infrastructure and extensive deferred maintenance in certain buildings, Fannie Mae introduced a series of measures that will have a profound impact on the condominium market.  

    In 2021, Fannie Mae unveiled the Temporary Requirements for Condo and Co-Op Projects, a set of guidelines that reshaped the landscape of mortgages in condominium associations.  Earlier this year, Fannie Mae amended the temporary requirements, and made them a permanent part of their underwriting standards.  The new permanent rules are effective as of September 18, 2023.

    Seventy percent of home mortgages are supported by Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac.  Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are private corporations created by Congress to provide liquidity in the mortgage market.  Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac buy mortgages from lenders and package them into mortgage-backed securities that may be sold.  Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac have thousands of pages of regulations that provide the standards by which mortgages can be approved.  Mortgages that qualify under these regulations are often referred to as “conforming” or “conventional” loans. 

    The first step in determining which Fannie Mae underwriting rules apply to your community association is to know which level of review will apply under the Fannie Mae guidelines:

    Full Review

    Limited Review

    Review Waived 

    New Condo Project

    Established Condo Project (with a high loan to value ratio)

    2-4 Unit Condo Project

    Co-op Project

    Detached Condo Project

    Manufactured Home Project


    Under the Fannie Mae rules, a condo project includes associations where the owners each own an undivided interest in the common area.  A PUD is an association in which the HOA owns the common property.  PUDs would include most single-family home and townhome communities.  


    For projects subject to a full review, the new Fannie Mae requirements will exclude from financing eligibility any of the following:

    • Projects in need of critical repairs which significantly impact the safety, soundness, structural integrity or habitability of the project
    • Projects with mold, water intrusion, or potentially damaging leaks
    • Projects with advanced physical deterioration
    • Projects that have failed to pass any state or county inspections
    • Projects with unfunded repairs exceeding $10,000 per unit that should be undertaken in the next year
    • Projects with evacuation orders due to an unsafe condition

    These disqualifications allow for a few exceptions where projects may still be eligible for financing, such as projects where the damage or deferred maintenance is isolated to just one or a few units, and does not affect the overall safety, soundness, structural integrity or habitability of the project.  The new rules also will not exclude projects in need of only routine repairs that are preventative in nature and are accomplished through the HOA’s normal operating budget or through special assessments that are within guidelines.

    In addition, Fannie Mae will now look at an HOA’s reserve funds to ensure that the HOA is budgeting at least 10% of its assessment income to reserves.  Alternatively, the reserve funds will be deemed acceptable if the HOA has adequate funded reserves that meet or exceed the recommendations included in the HOA’s reserve study.  

    The new requirements will now strongly advise lenders to review, at a minimum, the following documents:

    • HOA board meeting minutes
    • Engineer reports
    • Structural and/or mechanical inspection reports
    • Reserve studies
    • A list of necessary repairs provided by the HOA or the HOA’s management company
    • A list of special assessments provided by the HOA or the HOA’s management company

    Fannie Mae’s guidelines also extend to special assessments. Lenders must review current or planned special assessments, seeking documentation to ensure they don't negatively impact the project's financial stability, viability, condition, or marketability.  In the case of assessments related to safety, soundness, structural integrity, or habitability, Fannie Mae requires that all repairs be fully completed. 


    Fortunately for owners in PUD projects, these new Fannie Mae requirements will not apply.  PUDs need only meet the normal Fannie Mae underwriting requirements.  

    The collective impact of these new modern lending standards is expected to render many condominiums ineligible for loans, potentially affecting the ability to buy and sell condominiums and, ultimately, property values. HOA boards and community association managers will need to become familiar with the new rules and adapt their reserve and maintenance practices to ensure their future viability and safeguard their property values.

    Jeff Kerrane is a shareholder with Kerrane Storz, PC, which exclusively represents property owners and community associations in construction defect litigation.  Jeff can be reached at or at 720-277-2076.

  • 10/01/2023 2:22 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    By Adam Thompson

    Have you heard of the recent “Xeriscape Bill” [SB 23-178] that was signed into law at the end of May?  This new bill overrides pre-existing HOA guidelines that restricted residents from installing xeriscape, artificial turf, and vegetable gardens in their yards. The intent of the bill is to promote water-wise landscapes. Some fear this bill will bring a reduced home values and aesthetic appeal to their neighborhoods.  Others see the bill as an opportunity for communities to develop their own unique look, rather than the ‘cookie cutter’ manicured turf landscapes and shrub beds that are common in most residential developments. 

    Across the front range, steady population growth is bringing in new developments that are putting increased demands on our water supply. Water costs make up a significant portion of an HOA’s budget and we are seeing spikes in water prices as demand makes this resource scarcer. 

    So what is Xeriscape and what do each of the new changes mean?

    Xeriscape (not “zero-scape”) is an approach to landscaping that is mindful of water usage to grow and maintain a landscape. It is not the elimination of water needed to maintain the landscape. Xeriscapes can, and do, include plants and even turf - although many experts would limit turf to areas where it will serve a purpose.

    • Drought tolerant plantings must now be allowed to at least 80% of a resident’s yard. This change allows much of the turf to be removed and replaced with drought tolerant plants. We have many great examples of how nice these landscapes can look, while simultaneously reducing maintenance costs when low maintenance plants are utilized. 
    • Nonvegetative turf grass, more commonly known as artificial turf, is no longer restricted in back yards. Artificial turf is a polarizing subject because it is a visual and tactile replacement for turf that requires no regular irrigation, but these areas become heat islands, still require maintenance to keep them nice, and generate plastic waste when they are no longer useful. 
    • Vegetable gardens may be the most contentious item on the bill for some communities but when properly planned out, they can be as attractive as any conventional landscape. They help to build a sense of community in an HOA because when people have gardens, they tend to spend more time in their yards which betters the chances that they will get to know their neighbors. How many conflicts do you deal with daily that could be resolved if people would just take the time to get to know their neighbors? Veggie gardens aren’t sounding so bad anymore, are they?

    Three pre-approved designs are required for every community which will enable residents and boards to start xeriscape implementation without overburdening the ARCs. Many free designs are available at or residents can submit their own water-wise designs for approval. It may be preferable for a community to work with a landscape designer to create a proprietary set of designs and work to establish a common theme. 

    While there might be a strong push for people to convert their yards to drought tolerant design, several considerations should be made before committing to a yard renovation:

    • What plants should be used?
      • Plants should be selected for their ability to survive in our climate.
      • Native plants are a great place to start. Another great resource is Plant Select which publishes a list of recommended plants annually.
    • How will the area be maintained to keep a visually appealing landscape throughout the year?
      • Xeriscapes tend to require less maintenance and create less waste as plants are allowed to grow naturally and only require pruning as needed. 
      • Plant selection should consider appeal in all seasons.  
    • How will this new area be irrigated? 
      • We cannot just replace the landscape without adjusting the irrigation system.
      • Plants should be grouped into “hydrozones” based on their exposure and irrigation needs.
    • Will the new design save more water than the original design? 
      • Whenever new plants are installed, they have an establishment period where they need more water than they do during their maintenance period. 
      • Sometimes maintenance standards (and residents’ expectations) can be modified to save water without needing to renovate the entire yard.

    How ever you choose to implement these new rules, I hope you see it as an opportunity to improve the beauty of your yard and your neighborhood. 

    Adam Thompson holds a B.S. Degree in Landscape Design & Management and has worked in the landscape industry since 2007 working in construction and maintenance between single family homes to resort properties. 

  • 10/01/2023 2:21 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    By Kevin McAlister and Rachel Schmidt, Higgins & Associates

    For any homeowner, the prospect of a flood is a daunting one.  With Colorado seeing over five inches of rain in both May and June of this year, breaking a hundred-year record, the likelihood of experiencing a flood has been significantly higher than in a ‘normal’ year.  While a flood can be equally as devastating as a housefire, flood mitigation precautions are often overlooked due to the arid environment in which we live.  While installing smoke alarms and removing potential fuel sources such as pine needles and leaves are fire mitigation measures routinely undertaken by HOAs, there are some equally simple mitigation measures than can be taken to significantly reduce the likelihood of a water intrusion event.

    The principal goal of any flood mitigation activity is to direct water away from structures.  This is often easier to achieve in single family communities where buildings are further apart than in multi-family communities where the proximity of buildings creates greater challenges to managing water flow.  The second objective of flood mitigation is to prevent water from entering a structure if it does get to the property façade.  However, as the adage goes, “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” so keeping water away from structures in the beginning is far more effective than trying to keep it out once it gets there. 


    Gutters are used to capture the discharge from roof surfaces.  During heavy rainfall, this can result in a significant demand being placed on these drainage systems.  If the gutters are insufficiently sized for the roof area or not periodically cleared of debris, the water can spill over the sides and may no longer be directed as intended.  It is especially important not just to clear the gutter paths, but to also ensure the flow continues unobstructed through the downspout. 


    Downspouts are critical in flood prevention as their job is to collect concentrated water flow and move it away from the building and protects the building’s foundation.  As the flow from downspouts is concentrated, it can cause soil erosion at the point of discharge which will ultimately cause more issues.  Downspouts need to be extended to discharge at least 5-feet from any foundation.  Every foot beyond that provides a bonus level of flood prevention.  At the point of discharge, downspout extensions need a splash block, cobbles, or some other means to dissipate the water without causing erosion.  Finally, it is good practice to require that landscapers reposition downspout extensions that are often lifted-up during mowing or other landscaping activities. 

    Window Wells

    Window wells are a common feature of Colorado properties with basements and should include a curb or other enclosure to prevent water from flowing into the well openings.  Window well enclosures that have sunk below grade or do not form a continuous barrier with the foundation wall should be modified to ensure that water cannot enter the well from the surrounding grade. 

    Overwatering and Sprinkler Maintenance

    With our dry climate, many communities benefit from irrigation systems to sustain plants and lawns.  However, overwatering, especially during wet weather, can result in oversaturation of surrounding soils.  This can create excessive run-off, erosion issues, elevated water tables, and significant underground hydrostatic pressure on foundation walls, thus increasing the likelihood of basement water intrusion.  Be sure to turn off sprinklers during wet weather and conduct regular maintenance on water lines to prevent leaks damaging nearby foundations.  Being knowledgeable about landscaping and areas where communities can opt for more water conscious planting and landscaping also helps prevent overwatering.

    Maintaining Grading Slope


    Maintaining adequate grading slope away from a building is one of the more important counter-flood measures.  The International Building Code requires that a minimum 5-percent slope is maintained away from structures for the first 10-feet to ensure that water is discharged away from foundations.  Flat ground or ground that slopes towards a building is one of the most common issues we encounter at buildings with persistent water intrusion issues.  Site regrading and ensuring there is an uninterrupted route to discharge water off a site or to a suitable outlet point is often the only way to address this issue.

    Through regular inspection and maintenance, homeowners’ associations can reduce the incidence of flooding issues and avoid the resultant property damage and distress of a water intrusion event.  If in doubt, we advise that a professional architect, engineer, or licensed contractor be consulted prior to undertaking any work to ensure compliance with code and that any future repairs fully resolve any identified deficiencies. 

    About the Authors: 

    Kevin McAlister leads the Construction Consulting group at Higgins & Associates. He has over 30 years of experience as both a contractor and a construction consultant addressing issues in the built environment, especially within the tight confines of multi-family communities. Kevin advises HOAs on suitable property rehabilitation and maintenance approaches including drainage, roofing and grading issues and consults on the cost requirements of these activities.  

    Rachel leads the Civil Engineering department at Higgins & Associates. She has devoted her career to working with homeowners to assist them in assessing and resolving their civil and structural engineering problems. Rachel has helped many HOAs and property managers to manage the process from determining the cause of an issue, to designing, implementing, and validating the repair.  She has experience with all property types from single-family homes to extensive multi-family home developments.

  • 10/01/2023 2:20 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    By Joshua Flanagan, Blue Frog Roofing

    With the continued growth and modernization of urban areas comes the human response to energy efficiency and health. Surprisingly, roofing systems can play a large factor in this response. Energy efficiency in regard to roofing is not a new idea; however, it only truly began to gain traction in the United States in the early 2000s when California changed their energy code to use cool roofing for commercial buildings. A cool roofing system is typically when a lighter color roof is installed in areas of high heat to reflect sunlight thus reducing energy costs. Energy efficient roofing has since taken further steps with solar panels and green roofing systems. 

    The City of Denver passed an initiative in January of 2018 that originally required all new commercial buildings over 25,000 square feet to install a green roof. Green roofs, also known as vegetative roofs or living roofs, by definition are “ballasted roofs consisting of a waterproofing membrane, growing medium (soil) and vegetation (plants) overlying a traditional roof” (U.S GSA). Denver and its voters cheered as this initiative passed, but when it came time to discuss implementation, “it wasn’t looking feasible,” wrote Alicita Rodriguez in the CU Denver News. Rodriquez received some insight from Austin Troy, PhD, chair of urban and regional planning department at CU Denver’s College of Architecture and Planning on why it wasn’t looking feasible. Troy explained how green roofs are extremely expensive because of the structural support needed for the soil as well as the very high irrigation and drainage costs. Troy adds that if you force everyone to build a green roof, then investors are forced to pay a lot of money for something that may not get much use and potentially forgo low-cost green landscaping to save money. It’s important to consider that adding vegetation around buildings and using energy-saving materials can be more cost effective than green roofs while still being environmentally effective.

    After half a year, and nine meetings, the Green Roofs Review Task Force changed the initiative to the Green Building Ordinance, effective on Nov. 2, 2018. So, instead of this one size fits all approach, the ordinance changed, permitting “new buildings over 25,000 feet to choose from a series of nine green-energy options in these areas: green roofs/green space, solar/renewable energy, energy efficiency, green building certifications (third-party programs), payment to the Green Building Fund, and the Energy Program (for roof replacement)”(Rodriquez). This gives developers, investors, and contractors a wider range of options while still participating in the modernization of energy efficiency. The following year construction results were a wide range of all nine options, with the most popular being cool roofs only, enrolling in the energy program, and on-site green spaces. Green roofs are still being proposed in Denver, but now a more selective plan can be addressed for those who choose that system. 

    There are quite a few benefits to these energy efficient roofing systems. Cool roofs and green spaces are known to reduce the Urban heat island with cool roofing systems also saving around 10 to 15 percent in energy costs. Green spaces/roofs are also known to help with stormwater run-off management. Solar panels can reduce operating costs and attract tenants. Cool roofs are probably the most popular of these options listed since it is a simple and less expensive option than the others with choosing the right roof material and color. “Cool roofs achieve the greatest cooling savings in hot climates but can increase energy costs in colder climates if the annual heating penalty exceeds the annual cooling savings” ( In Denver, we typically have more warming days than cooling days, so installing a cool roof can reflect 60 to 90 percent of sunlight. Common materials for low slope (flat) roofs are TPO (thermoplastic polyolefin) which is white in color, PVC (polyvinyl chloride) which can be made with most colors, and light-colored metal roofing (standing seam or exposed fastener metal). However, in parts of the mountains at higher elevations with more cooling days, a cool roof system could be black EPDM roofing materials or dark colored metal roofing systems to retain more heat inside the building. For steep sloped buildings, any lighter colored materials including asphalt shingles can make a big difference in energy efficiency. Metal roofing types including Stone Coated Steel are also known to further energy efficiency. Synthetic materials like Brava or Di Vinci can achieve this as well. There are many other roofing materials, but these are some of the most popular. 

    Blue Frog Roofing is a premium Roofing company servicing all of Colorado and Southern Wyoming taking an educational, consultative, and preventative maintenance approach. We specialize in Multifamily and commercial roofing and large loss while having a strong service/repair team.

  • 08/01/2023 9:36 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    By Connie Van Dorn, CAI-RMC Homeowner Leader

    As one of the five stakeholders who brought HB22-1137 to the General Assembly for consideration, I read with relief David’s conclusion that I am, we are, well-intentioned, decent, reasonable people. 

    Since last fall, I am also now a newly minted CAI RMC member, RMC Homeowner Leader Committee member, and RMC BOD Member at Large in a Homeowner Leader seat. I am here to work from the inside to move that pendulum David mentioned to a reasonable place. 

    The passage of HB22-1137 had a number of intended and achieved consequences including eliminating industry “insider” purchase of HOA foreclosures, opening up small claims court for some disputes, and others.  Most importantly, it did prevent hundreds of what could only be called predatory foreclosures.

    David pointed out some of the unintended consequences of that legislation.  He didn’t mention, however, that there are some things that were in the bill’s language, that the original stakeholders didn’t bring to the table either. Some of the things that “didn’t work,” will no doubt be addressed in the 2024 legislative session.

    If we want community associations in Colorado to thrive, there are other things we can do together, to address some of the challenges we all know exist.  Meaningful reform can happen without legislation or with shared stakeholder legislation. For example, I’ve been inspired by CAI's 2020 and Beyond Governance Panel Report and changes its authors contemplated.  Transformational Homeowner Leader Education and Training is another opportunity.

    While the “costs” of 1137’s implementation are challenging to quantify, perhaps there’s also an opportunity here to work together in innovative ways to strengthen communities, community associations, and the homeowner experience.  In recognition of CAI’s 50th anniversary, I like to think that’s what the founders had in mind.

    Connie is a retired Human Capital Consultant who enjoyed a career in human resource solutions for distinguished companies and organizations. In addition to being a proud Mom of two amazing adult children and a lifelong volunteer, Connie is a Student of Common Interest Communities and on a mission to strength Colorado HOAs via Homeowner Advocacy.

  • 08/01/2023 9:18 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    By David Graf, Moeller Graf, P.C.

    HB 22-1137 (“1137”) was the most impactful community association legislation since CCIOA was adopted in 1992. CCIOA’s legislative declaration, at C.R.S § 38-33.3-102(b), states that the “continuation of the economic prosperity of Colorado is dependent upon the strengthening of homeowner associations in common interest communities financially to the setting of budget guidelines, the creation of statutory assessment liens, the granting of six months’ lien priority, the facilitation of borrowing, and more certain powers in the Association to sue on behalf of the owners enter enhancing the financial stability of associations by increasing the Association’s powers to collect delinquent assessments, late charges, fines, and enforcement costs…”

    Little more than a dozen years later, SB 100, effective in 2006, was adopted as a “homeowners’ protection act” to protect owners from their associations in certain respects. Fast-forward to 2022, 1137 passes through the legislature to provide additional owner protections with respect to assessment collections and covenant enforcement, largely as a result of negative homeowner experiences in two communities within the state.  

    I’ve gotten to know some of the stakeholders who were behind 1137, and without exception, I have found them to be well-intentioned, decent, and reasonable people. I’ve also had conversations with some of the legislators who brought forth 1137 and I have found them to be sincere in their efforts to address what they see as the primary issues affecting community association collections and covenant enforcement here in Colorado. I don’t personally believe that any of these individuals are actively trying to destroy communities, nor are they anarchists, or opposed to holding owners to their responsibilities to their neighbors by virtue of living in a common interest community.

    We don’t always agree on where the pendulum should fall between vigorous enforcement of community standards and obligations, on the one hand, and a lack of enforcement of community standards and obligations for the benefit of a few to the detriment of the many, on the other hand. For everyone who doesn’t have to pay their assessments, their neighbors have to absorb that debt. For those who take good care of their property, it is of little comfort when they walk out the front door and have to look at the blighted property next to them. The goal of everyone, 1137 stakeholders included, should be to find a balance where people can come back into compliance while the needs of the neighbors are honored for the most part, for most of the time. 

    On the topic of collections, associations had to adopt a new collection policy and essentially “retool” their collection process, time frames, and form documents based on the requirements of 1137. This created a gap in collection activity, in my experience, of about six months. I have heard reports of accounts receivable balances increasing during this window of time, and while I believe some of it is due to a lack of collection effort, some of it could also be attributed to the softening economy.

    The posting of the delinquency notice on the door is an issue that caused a lot of stress to boards and management teams. The concerns were that the cost of the posting, the safety of who was doing the posting, and the potential for a negative owner experience in having a delinquency notice posted on the door early in the collections process. All of those concerns, in my experience, were valid. However, I have heard that the posting on the door has been effective in getting the attention of owners to pay their assessments.

    I don’t believe that anyone would dispute that the number of foreclosures filed by associations after the effective date of 1137 has fallen dramatically. There are a number of limitations on association foreclosures imposed by 1137. I’ve discussed this issue with a few stakeholders and other interested parties and they seem to believe that due to the falling number of foreclosures, the bill has worked as intended. I don’t think that the analysis is quite as straightforward. Yes, I think that non-urgent foreclosures being prohibited is a good thing. With that said, there are times when foreclosures may be the only remedy available to a community association.

    For example, I’ve experienced board members who were scared to foreclose on an owner notwithstanding the fact that a judgment had already been entered against them, numerous collection remedies had been pursued, and the owner still has not made a payment in several years. If all other remedies have proven ineffective and the owner appears to be intent on not paying and not communicating with their association, foreclosure should be a reasonable remedy.

    Additionally, the prohibition on foreclosing on covenant violation fines has left some of our clients without recourse for owners who are unwilling to maintain their properties to a minimum community standard after having been ordered by a court to maintain their properties and failing to do so after many months or even years. In those cases, the association is without recourse to deliver a solution to the community for a covenant problem that a judge has already determined needs to be remedied. This is not so much an economic impact to the association per se, but it is a potential impact on neighboring properties that might be up for sale and it begs the question of who has more rights-- the neighbor contemplating a loss in market value of his or her home or the owner who has steadfastly refused to maintain their property for months or even years? 

    On the subject of covenant violations, while there are a number of procedural issues with 1137, the financial impact of the $500 maximum fine on a covenant violation not affecting the health and safety of the public stands out. It has been my experience that violation fines can be one of several effective tools to gain compliance. However, for many communities, a $500 maximum fine takes that nonjudicial tool off the table. Said another way, there are some owners who would gladly pay the fine to remain out of compliance. This has the unintended consequence of increasing the possibility that an association would have to pursue a covenant violation lawsuit because the association was prohibited by law from getting the owner’s attention to remedy the violation through violation fines. 

    From my perspective, much of the hysteria surrounding the adoption of 1137 has not come to pass-at least so far. The burden of complying with 1137 has scared a number of self-managed boards out of being self-managed and has caused management companies, for the most part, to pass on those costs to their clients. I have heard of very few and isolated reports of people abusing the language option contained within 1137. The designated contact for communication has been a positive development. New conversations about how to address community issues amicably and inexpensively have taken place. 

    The true financial impact of 1137 that I worry about has not yet been felt on a grand scale. Specifically, I’m referring to the eighteen-month payment plan. We’ve had a number of hailstorms throughout Colorado this summer, and there will be deductible apportionments/special assessments as a result. For those owners who have not protected themselves adequately with HO6 loss assessment coverage or otherwise, if they choose to pay the assessment over eighteen months in any appreciable number, associations are going to be strained in funding necessary infrastructure repairs. When that happens, I think that we will understand that the pendulum has swung a little too far out of balance for the health of associations that maintain critical infrastructure.

    David Graf has practiced community association law exclusively since 2001. Regarded as one of the most sought-after community association industry speakers in the United States, David has been recognized for several awards, notable CAI’s National Educator of the Year (2015). David has been admitted to the College of Community Association Lawyers (“CCAL” or the “College”). In 2018 and 2020, David was elected by his CCAL peers to the College’s Board of Governors and is the current President of the College.

  • 08/01/2023 9:15 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    By Danielle Holley, Hearn & Fleener

    Thoughts About the Visible Vegetable Garden Rule

    Being an avid flower and vegetable gardener – and not shy to talk about it – I’ve heard from a few friends at the law firms wondering what regulations around “visible” vegetable gardens could look like. I’ll tell you, I do not mind the change.  Also, I see why it causes concern for aesthetically-minded community architectural or landscape committees and the management infrastructure that has to enforce their decisions. This essay is more “thoughts for consideration” than actionable solutions, but I’d love to hear from anyone who has an opinion! 

    The new law, effective August 2023, includes a provision stating an association “may not prohibit vegetable gardens in the front, back, or side yard of a unit owner's property” within single family home communities. I’m calling them “visible gardens” because “front, back and side yard gardens” feels clunky. And honestly, most of us are only worried about the visible areas of another person’s home.

    My first thought is that August is great! The best time to install a new garden is in autumn so you can wake up one spring morning and do the fun part: planting. That said, it doesn’t leave much turnaround time for an association with opinions about this practice. 

    While a covenant community may not prohibit the choice to install a garden, implied language is that an association may regulate visible gardens without prohibiting them. How might that look? Start with the vegetable garden definition. SB 178 defines a garden as “a plot of ground or an elevated soil bed in which pollinator plants, flowers, or vegetables or herbs, fruits, leafy greens, or other edible plants are cultivated.” 

    What is that not? The definition does not expressly permit greenhouses, an orchard, bee-keeping, re-wilding/meadows/use of the whole lot, compost piles, scarecrows, neglected lawns, or marijuana plants (a whole different law). It also does not grant owners permission to do whatever they please. They are simply allowed to have a visible garden plot. 

    Senate Bill 178 was written and passed with intent that the law “removes barriers to water-wise landscaping practices in community associations”. Through that lens and as citizens of the American West – a desert! – I hope most of us engage this process in the spirit of saving water. As professionals working with community associations, we can work to meet association homeowners where they are on their water-saving journeys and how they wish to participate in visible gardening. A lot of them will not care or listen. And a few are about to have a crisis of passion. 

    An example being my own community built in 1962. My neighbors and I have wildly different views on how our front yards should appear, but we all seem to care:

    The woman across the street spends hours in her front yard where she harvests a multitude of flowers and vegetables each season, but it is not pretty. Components of it are stunning, but the overall effect is somewhat unfortunate looking with old pantyhose used to train vines along her front walkway.  

    • Is the association open to an entire lawn being a garden?
    • What kinds of structures will be welcomed? There will likely be plant supports and hail guards, season extenders, tomato cages, squirrel deterrents…

    A man next door to her has planted fruit trees and built hügelkultur berms lined with rocks where he plants pumpkins and gourds each summer. His children are often out there with him planting and picking things while his wife enjoys the shade. I haven’t seen them out yet this year which makes me think they might skip this season. 

    • Berms and some raised bed formats change drainage. To what extent is that acceptable? 
    • What happens when a homeowner chooses to stop gardening/is unable to continue caring for the visible garden?
    • How many seasons/years should a garden plot go unused before it is removed? And what does removal look like? 

    The family just south have a “pollinator garden” (they say) where their children have painted boards and rocks and sculptures… and left them subject to the elements. The area is not my favorite to walk by with its thistle and grasses leaning over the sidewalk, but there are a few sunflowers that emerge each year and the “wild” nepeta is some of the first pollinator food in the neighborhood come spring. And for the record, the whole family sits out front and enjoys it many times each week. They just mowed the weeds so maybe they were observing “No-Mow May”? 

    • Weeds are just happy little plants growing where we don’t want them. Who gets to call a plant a weed?  (Please do not write a list of prohibited or classified plants. You’ll make the news. Also, CSU Extension has a helpful Noxious Weed and Invasive Plants page.) 
    • What makes a space a pollinator garden or sanctuary?  
    • What constitutes a tidy garden? 

    The teacher who lives between my house and the pollinator garden has a formal “Midwest” lawn with irrigated Kentucky bluegrass bordered by pink roses, white iris and purple salvia. I have never seen her enjoying it, but contractors are often tinkering with the irrigation and spraying the shrubs. I think it’s pretty. I also think she overwaters and allows dubious chemicals. 

    • What happens when chemicals from her lawn impact the pollinator garden? What happens when what she perceives as weeds creep into her lawn? Who is the nuisance? 
    • How could we encourage neighbors who do not want a visible garden to help save water? 

    My front lawn is xeric with a few tomatoes hidden close to the house in a small irrigated patch. We don’t sit out there often, but when we do, neighbors often stop to comment happily on the changes we have made. It is south-facing and used to be a large rectangle of bluegrass. We could not water enough after May/June to keep it from going dormant. 

    • What water wise solutions might a community consider that are not visible gardens? 
    • Who pays to change the irrigation?

    All this to say, what fits the greater neighborhood and the ethos of our neighbors? Do we want to encourage encounters with people as they walk by us doing the gardening? Do we want to proudly suggest that our people are water savers? Pollinator supporters? Do we hope that our neighborhood – like an un-bumper-stickered mid-price car – will not announce anything except its relative sensibility and safety? 

    I like to think about these things. It feels impossible to ask an association board or landscape committee to craft guidelines that speak for an entire community, but that is literally what our government has asked associations to do. They’re tiny villages of people doing their best to live good lives and they hope their neighbors won’t take exception to their choices.  

    As suggestions to get started “allowing visible gardens” a committee might consider the following: 


    Since the intent of the law is to “encourage water-wise behavior”, an association might ask owners who want to install visible gardens to pay for/install/administer the appropriate watering devices and/or hand water their garden. It would be ineffectual to allow the same watering routine for bluegrass to continue once all or a portion of it has been removed in exchange for a garden. It is worth noting that Denver Water does not regulate how often a vegetable garden is watered although they do put restrictions on turf irrigation. 

    Design and Installation

    Keeping with the spirit of the law, an association should not set aesthetic guidelines that make installation of a new garden cost prohibitive. Remember that vegetable gardeners are often thrifty types and may upcycle materials that are more charming than attractive. Associations have the right to regulate these options.  

    A committee should consider what might be acceptable or unacceptable. They should also consider the longevity of the materials being used. At what point does a raised bed need to be repaired or replaced?


    Anyone who has googled “front yard garden” knows the number one rule is to keep things tidy (so as to not ruin it for the rest of us). The term “tidy” leans subjective, but I think reminding neighbors of the concept is fair enough. 

    Vegetable gardens are not always lovely and aesthetics do matter. An organized and tidy plot, even if you subscribe to chaos theory, can go a long way toward making the space unobjectionable. 

    For me, this also means cleaning and repairing my vegetable plots in the fall. I leave plant skeletons up all winter in my flower gardens as critter habitat. This might not be a choice I would make if my only gardens were visible to the neighbors. 


    If nothing else, spending more time in your front garden means you’ll meet the people who walk their dogs. 

    Should the community choose to welcome visible gardens, consider hosting a vegetable exchange at the end of the summer. It could be as simple as a table in the shade near the clubhouse or mailboxes with a sign: “Leave Your Surplus, Take Our Surplus”. It could be as involved as a potluck!

    Maybe in the spring, the community encourages a plant exchange? 

    If the neighborhood is jumping in with both feet, perhaps a garden tour in August? Or a garden construction event in October? Maybe you invite/hire a landscaper to teach your homeowners how to install water-wise irrigation for their new gardens in April. 

    How neat would it be to see how much water the community is allowing to stay in the watershed? What that means in real dollars? 

    At the end of the day, we are working to improve the home values and experiences of community association homeowners. Most of the work is on them. They are their own neighbors. Love thy neighbor and now their garden plot. 

    Danielle Holley is a gardening enthusiast. She works at Hearn & Fleener in Littleton, CO as their Director of Client Services where she provides support to managers and association boards during their construction defect claims. She has been an active member of Community Associations Institute since 2009 and she especially enjoys the landscaping classes. She welcomes your feedback on this essay and your garden surplus. 

  • 08/01/2023 9:09 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    By Devon Schad, The Schad Agency

    When it comes to safeguarding your condominium or townhome investment, having the appropriate insurance coverage is vital. The HO6 insurance policy is specifically designed to fill the gaps left by the master insurance policy held by the association. In this article, we will delve into what HO6 insurance entails, its significance, key inquiries to make to your insurance agent or company, and the utilization of loss assessment in case you are assigned a portion of a deductible.

    What is HO6 Insurance?

    Although the condominium & townhome associations typically carry a master insurance policy, it usually only covers the common areas and the structure of the building. HO6 insurance steps in to provide coverage for personal property, interior unit items not covered by the master policy, personal liability, loss of use, and other areas of coverage.

    Different Approaches to Master Policy Building Coverage

    Specific requirements for your association can be found by reading the Covenants, Conditions & Restrictions (CC&R’s) or sometimes referred to as your Declarations:


    The “bare-walls” only insures the basic structure of the individual building, up to the bare-walls of the unit. Unit owners are responsible for insuring their own exclusive building property, such as sinks, cabinets, appliances, flooring, and wallpaper, along with any improvements and betterments. 

    Single Entity or Original Construction

    The “original construction” covers most real property in a residential building, including fixtures in individual units. However, it doesn't include any structural improvements, betterments, or additions made by owners. 


    The "all-in" coverage includes all real property in a residential building, including fixtures in individual units and any improvements made by owners. It replaces a unit to its original condition after a loss. In this approach, the unit owner is only responsible for their personal property under the HO6 or unit owners form or losses below the associations all other perils deductible (AOP). 

    It is important to note associations may have different requirements of those above and may also follow what is outlined in the Colorado Common Interest Ownership Act. 

    Critical Coverages You Should Have


    The master policy may not extend to the interior of individual units, making it important to have HO6 insurance to cover gaps in coverage. This includes walls, floors, ceilings, fixtures, improvements or alterations.

    Personal Liability Coverage

    Provides personal liability coverage, protecting you in case someone is accidentally injured in your unit or away from it, or if you accidentally cause damage to someone else's property. This coverage excludes claims involving automobiles and business, which require separate coverage.

    Additional Living Expenses (ALE) Coverage

    In the event that your unit becomes uninhabitable due to a covered loss, HO6 insurance can cover additional living expenses such as temporary accommodation and meals until your unit is repaired or until you find a new permanent residence. If you rent your unit, this coverage can help cover the loss of rental income. Many policies only come with twelve months of coverage or a set limit which may not be enough to cover you for the time it will likely take to rebuild.


    Many association policies have a 5%-10% wind/hail deductible where unit owners are likely to be assessed a share of that deductible following a covered loss that affects common areas or multiple units. Loss assessment coverage, typically included in HO6 insurance policies, can help mitigate this financial burden. This percentage is based on the total building value and not the loss. 

    As an example, an association with 10 units and a $1,000,000 building coverage and a 10% wind/hail deductible will have a $100,000 deductible at the time of loss. To help cover this loss, most association will assess owners a share of this loss in equal portions, assessing $10,000 to each unit owner. Having the right loss Assessment may cover the entire $10,000 amount assessed.

    Be careful when purchasing loss assessment coverage as some carriers have added this language below: 

    Special Limit

    We will not pay more than $1,000 of your assessment

    per unit that results from a deductible in the

    policy of insurance purchased by a corporation or

    association of property owners.

    Having the language above will limit your payout, REGARDLESS OF HOW MUCH LOSS ASSESSMENT YOU PURCHASE.

    It is important to note that some loss assessment endorsements must be in force at the time of the loss to the association as well as at the time you are assessed. 

    Review your HO6 policy to determine the maximum coverage amount for loss assessments and make sure you are covered for at least the greater of the master policy all other perils deductible or the wind/hail percent deductible. 


    As an owner, it is crucial to protect your investment and personal belongings. HO6 insurance offers the necessary coverage to safeguard your unit and personal property, providing peace of mind against unexpected events. Remember to ask the right questions when selecting a policy and understand the benefits of loss assessment coverage to ensure you have tailored insurance protection as a condominium & townhome owner.

    Devon Schad currently sits on the Board of Director for CAI Rocky Mountain Chapter, is an Educated Business Partner, and owner of the Schad Agency. The Schad Agency is a family-owned business specializing in insuring association and has since its founding in 1976.

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