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The Art of Snow Removal

12/01/2017 4:11 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

By Nicole Stone, LMI Landscapes Inc.

Snow removal may sound simple, however finding a contractor to meet your needs can be more challenging than expected. To understand snow removal you must first know your property’s needs, the capacity of your snow removal contractor, and the art of communicating your snow removal needs to your contractor.  Finding a balance of the above is critical for the success of your snow removal. 

In order to set the stage for success, one must first determine the needs of your property. What are the expectations of the community, what are the trigger depths, what services do you want to have done, and do you have time sensitive needs? When determining your needs, budgets should also be taken into consideration.  When you have a clear picture of the expectations of the community, talk to your contractor relay the information so they can also understand what you are looking for. These expectations will help determine what type and the amount of equipment needed. Create a property map that shows where you would like to have the snow piled, where are your critical points, and any other detailed items that your contractor may need. 

Once the needs have been established, the next step is to search for the right contractor to meet those needs. Finding a snow removal service might sound like a simple task, however this might be the most difficult task of all. Here are some guidelines to assist when searching for a snow removal contractor:

  • Are they a reputable company?
  • Do they have insurance? 
  • What services do they provide? 
  • What are their rates? 
  • How do they track the hours on the property?

 Snow storms do not operate under regular scheduled hours, so many storms take place throughout the evening when you’re fast asleep. This is when knowing your contractor’s reputation becomes crucial.

After the storm has passed, walk with your contractor see what was done well and look at what could be done better or more efficiently on future storms. These walks are critical at the beginning of the snow season.  If this is your contractor’s first storm, understand that changes might be necessary moving forward. While a plan might be in place, many obstacles could change the direction of that plan. Having a plan to start with is important, understanding that it might change is just as imperative. 

Remember, this is not a game of the Price is Right. This is finding the right contractor who can handle your community needs along with the ability to perform the services requested. Providing a clear picture to your contractor of your needs will help result in a successful snow removal season for all parties involved. This sets the stage for the art of snow removal. 

LMI Landscapes Inc. has been successfully servicing the green industry in Dallas, Austin, and Denver since 1987. We are comprised of three divisions; Construction and Irrigation Installation, Maintenance, Enhancements, and Irrigation, and Snow Removal Services. 

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