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Is Your Home Secure?

10/01/2017 12:15 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

Sheriff's Office Behind the Badge Newsletter Topic: Is Your Home Secure? 

Put it to the Test!

Is your home ready to resist crime? Our crime prevention deputies are offering a short quiz on home security that can be taken in just a few minutes. A ‘no’ answer signifies the areas where you can improve upon your home’s security. Take the complete 75-question home security survey

Home Exterior

The way a house’s exterior looks, and even how it sounds, can discourage a would-be thief from approaching. Crime prevention experts recommend a well-lit exterior with a bit of stone or gravel at points around the home. Landscaping plants should not be so thick that they can conceal a person approaching. Tree limbs should not provide access to upper floors.

•Are your house numbers at least 4 inches tall (preferably 6 inches) and clearly visible from the street both day and night?

•Are trees located so they cannot be used to climb to an upper level of the home?

•Is there decorative stone or rock that makes noise when someone walks on it near the home?

•Do household members routinely secure items of value such as bicycles, lawn mowers, ladders, etc. when not in use?

•If there are detached buildings on the property (garage, shed, barn, etc.), are the doors and windows kept locked?

•Are vehicles locked and garage door opener remotes removed from them?

Doors & Windows

Structurally sound and locked doors and windows are critical components of a secure building. Doors and windows can provide false comfort if they’re cheaply made, easily compromised or often kept unlocked.

•Are exterior door strike plates secured to the frame of the house with screws at least three inches in length?

•Have locking “Charlie” bars been installed in the center of sliding glass doors in lieu of wooden dowels in the bottom track?

•Are exterior doors kept locked, even when someone is home?

•Are door locks in good repair?

•Do occupants of the home avoid hiding keys outside the residence (other than in a lockbox secured to the structure)?

•Do basement windows have security bars, grills, or other locking covers? 


The garage is all too often an easy entry point for thieves. Many people do not secure their garage doors as well as other exterior doors. 

•Is the overhead garage door kept closed when not in use?

•Is the pedestrian door between the garage and the home kept locked?

•Are windows into the garage covered or frosted to prevent visual inspection of valuables from the exterior?


Recording an inventory of valuables and securing important documents today can prevent future headaches if your home is burglarized.

•Have valuable papers (birth certificates, titles, deeds, social security cards, checks, tax records, passports, etc.) been secured in a fire resistant safe or in a safe deposit box?

•Do you have an accurate inventory of your valuables that includes make, model, and serial numbers?

•Does the home have a safe for storage of firearms and other valuables?

Simple steps are often the best crime deterrents, and the Jefferson County Sheriff's Office is dedicated to educating residents about how to prevent themselves from becoming crime victims. We strongly encourage residents to be proactive about crime prevention. 

Sheriff's Office Behind the Badge Newsletter Topic: The Power of Crime Prevention

Did you know about two thirds of car “break-ins” in Jefferson County happen to cars left unlocked? Meaning there’s no “break-in” at all. As of the first of October, 634 car trespasses were reported in JeffCo. Of those, 66 percent were unforced. Clearly, criminals take the path of least resistance.

Unfortunately, minor crimes like car trespasses often involve the theft of identifying materials like credit cards, licenses, or registrations – allowing thieves to commit much bigger identity theft crimes soon after. 

Since criminals usually look for the lowest-hanging fruit, prevention methods are effective in keeping crime rates low. Yes, there will always be unpredictable and unpreventable crimes. But we know many of the crimes in our county can be prevented. 

The Sheriff’s Office has a dedicated team of certified crime prevention deputies whose sole purpose is to work with citizens to prevent crime. Through on-site visits, phone calls, special events, child safety activities, and other opportunities, these deputies share vital information with the public on how to keep crime at bay. 

Source and additional resources

Jefferson County

Crime Prevention deputies are available to attend community meetings and events to educate on various timely topics and address safety concerns. To learn more about crime prevention contact our crime prevention deputies at 303-271-5807 or email:

Douglas County

The DCSO Community Resources Unit offers free surveys of your home or business to help keep you, your family, and/or your employees, customers, or co-workers safe. A DCSO staff member will come to your home or business and walk through the facility and evaluate security. They’ll give you a written assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of the physical security of the facility, along with recommendations to improve it. For a security survey please call 303-660-7544.

Arapahoe County

Two deputies are assigned as Crime Prevention Specialists providing educational programs and safety information to local businesses and homeowner associations. Crime Prevention is a top priority for the Sheriff's Office, requiring the cooperation of law enforcement and the community, working together toward a common goal. Contact Deputy Brian McKnight 720-874-3750 or


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